Generac Generators: Your Certified Electrician
Generac generators keep Alaska thriving when weather strikes. They keep us warm in the winter when ice or windstorms and heavy snowfall take out our power grid, and they keep our food safe when excessive rains and floods take out our power poles. It’s imperative that you only call Generac certified technicians to service your generators.
Whether you need to buy a new Generac generator or you need your warranty serviced, we’ve got you covered.
Generac generators are overtaking the Valley, and the reason is they’re affordable, reliable, and keep you and your family safe and comfortable. Our power goes out regularly, so having a backup power system you can depend on is a must-have. Generac’s Response Series Air-Cooled Automatic Generator is engineered and EPA certified for non-emergency, as well as standby applications. These generators not only provide our customers with backup power, but are an energy source for utility companies to rely on during peak demand times or dispatched during capacity congestion. Backed by Generac’s 5-Year Limited Warranty for automatic standby generators.
* Total harmonic distortion (THD) less than 5.0%—lower than both IEEE standards for utility power and published numbers for competitive air-cooled home standby generators
Frequently Asked Questions
Being Generac certified is an investment in both money and time. It takes more than just a licensed electrician to service and maintain your generator. It requires someone who has been trained to properly install, knows how to troubleshoot and diagnose, and is capable of fixing your generator and/or transfer switch safely, efficiently, and cost effectively. When we come out, your Generac warranty is safe.
Yes. We offer three tiers of maintenance packages that are billed annually. Each one includes more savings during the annual maintenance and continued savings through the occasional troubleshooting or updating visits your generator might need. Contact All Phase Electric at office@allphaseelectricak.com for more information on our maintenance packages. dddddd
“Their personnel from office to field operations were friendly and responsive as well as professional and capable.
Justin, the installation electrician, is top notch for craftsmanship work.
This past week we had three power outages as a result of heavy snow and winds, and the system worked flawlessly, providing us with normal operations and comfort here at our small farm northwest of Wasilla.
Now we can get away and travel without having to babysit the house and animal water warmers in future power outages.”
— Joseph Zimmerman